Who should attend?

Individuals who want to meet the concept of water footprint, conserve water sources and discover water saving methods in daily life and also institutions aiming to increase the awareness of their employees on water (NGOs, educational institutions, companies)

All institutions and organizations, schools and individuals who want to learn about the water crisis, take joint action and gain awareness about water use

Why should attend?

The fact that the world’s water resources are inadequate and inaccessible in terms of quantity and quality poses a significant risk for our planet. In the 2020 Global Risks Report prepared by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to determine the short and long term risks, the “water crisis” is among the top 5 risks, which are thought to have the highest impact in the next 10 years.

In order to ensure the sustainable management of water resources and to reduce the water footprint, everyone who uses water resources must act together. At this point, it is of great importance that decision makers, business world and individuals become aware of what they should do and initiate change by taking measures regardless of whether they are small or big.



Venue: Zoom Platform

Duration: 1.5 hours

Training Language: Turkish

Certificate of Participation: 



Serra Titiz
Mikado Sustainable Development Consulting