Our memberships

Multidimensional social benefit and social transformation

Open Innovation

Open Innovation

As Mikado, we develop innovative sustainable development programs/interventions with stakeholder participation in line with social needs.

Ecosystem Development

Ecosystem Development

We contribute to the formation of ecosystems that create social transformation through the efficient use of resources and the mobilization of relevant stakeholders.

Impact Orientation

Impact Orientation

We support organizations to think impact-oriented and manage their impact

Our Services

Accelerate your corporate sustainability transformation with Mikado Sustainable Development Consulting, Turkey's first B Corp certified company and many times selected among the "Best for the World Companies".



We provide sustainability solutions for a responsible private sector.



  • Identifying Sustainability Priorities
  • Sustainability Strategy and Process Management
  • Sustainability Communication
  • Sustainability Reporting


We support institutions in establishing their impact management systems.


  • Impact Management Structure Building
  • Environmental and Social Compliance Performance Evaluation & Audit
  • SROI – Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of Investments
  • Social Investment Programs Social Impact Measurement


We support institutions in developing and implementing development programs that meet the needs of society with their existing resources.


  • Identifying the need through Focus Group Meetings
  • Identifying and Engaging Stakeholders
  • Establishing program objectives and implementation tools
  • Implementation Support


We support the development of the social entrepreneurship field in Turkey and the establishment of impact-oriented initiatives by helping social entrepreneurs increase their capacities.


  • Social Entrepreneurship Centers Structure Building Support
  • Social Entrepreneurship Capacity Building Programs
  • Research Activities
  • Literature Creation

Our Principles and Values

Our Team

Our team

Our team

Founder and Managing Director
Founder and Managing Director

Serra Titiz

Serra Titiz has been working on sustainable development since 2003. She worked with youth, with women and vocational groups at large NGOs at managerial levels, and has participated in international programs on NGOs and Civic Activism. Her work has always been a reflection of social innovation.

General Coordinator
General Coordinator

Şadan Ertekin Mis

Sadan Ertekin Mis has been working for Mikado Consulting since December’ 2014 and her areas of expertise include the development of sustainability strategies of the institutions, development and implementation of social investment programs, preparation of sustainability report and coordinating behaviour change projects.

Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator

Nuha Boğa

Nuha Boğa, graduated from International Relations at Middle East Technical University and completed her master’s degree in EU External Relations and Diplomacy Studies at College of Europe. Over the last 8 years, Nuha has worked and led various refugee youth empowerment and social innovation projects within the field of development. Since 2018, she is the  Coordinator of the Embark Project which is implemented in partnership with Mikado Consulting and Future is Brighter Youth Platform.

Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator

Bahar Ege

Bahar Ege, graduated from International Relations at Koc University and received her master’s degree in Human Rights, Development and Social Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. She has experience in civil society organizations focused on education, migration, and human rights issues.  Since 2019, Bahar has been working on the social impact assessment studies of various projects. She is currently working as a project specialist in the Impact Programs at Mikado Consulting.

Sustainable Development Programs Director
Sustainable Development Programs Director

Bilinç Sezgin

Bilinç Sezgin, after graduating from Boğaziçi University, Department of Business Administration in 2012, built his career on creating social impact. He has had various roles on national and international scales, particularly in climate advocacy, non-formal education and youth work projects. He describes himself as a project developer, a learning space designer, and a facilitator. He continues to provide voluntary support to many non-governmental organizations in these fields. He is currently serving as a Board Member for Boğazici University Business People Association. Bilinç, works in corporate volunteering projects within Mikado. He likes to spend his spare time writing short essays and stories.

Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator

Cansu Yüksektepeli

Cansu Yüksektepeli, graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering at Gaziantep University in 2022. She has been volunteering in projects and non-governmental organizations focusing on sustainable development goals since 2020. She works as a project assistant in Mikado Consulting’s Impact Programs.

Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator

Genar Ersoy

Genar Ersoy, has worked as project coordinator in several non-governmental organizations working in the field of youth and disability since 2012. In addition, he became a youth trainer after the training he received from the SALTO-Youth Resource Centre in 2012. He has become the Founding Chairperson of the National Youth Council of Turkey. He specialized in youth rights, youth policies, social entrepreneurship and social impact management. He has been currently working as Projects Coordinator in the Future is Brighter Youth Platform since 2017.

Impact Programs Director
Impact Programs Director

Tuba Bozaykut Bük, PhD

Tuba Bozaykut completed her undergraduate education at Boğaziçi University and her graduate education at Marmara University. She received her Ph.D. from Istanbul University, Department of Business Administration. He has been working at universities since 2014, and gives undergraduate and graduate courses.

Senior Project Coordinator
Senior Project Coordinator

Nevra Erten

She started her professional life in the private sector in the field of public relations, and in 2005 she headed to Civil Society. She worked as Press and Public Relations Officer at the Turkish Heart Foundation, and then as the Corporate Communications Coordinator at the Koruncuk Foundation. She carried out communication and promotional activities in different fields from the branding process of the foundation to social responsibility projects. The General Secretariat of the Child and Their Rights Protection Platform, the project coordinator of the “My Child is Special, I’m Worth It” project carried out with the funding of the Istanbul Development Agency, and the communication coordinator of the “Back to the Family Psychosocial Support Modeling Project” within the scope of the EU Presidency Civil Society Dialogue Program. She is a Project Specialist at Mikado.

Our Consultants

Our expert network of consultants in fields such as sustainability, social impact, communication, research

Bahar Keskin Den Doelder

Bahar Keskin Den Doelder

Bahar Keskin den Doelder started her career in sustainable development in 1995 with a focus on integrated coastal management, sustainable tourism and cleaner production. Since 2002, she has been providing consultancy support to corporations and financial institutions in Turkey and the Netherlands on sustainability/ESG strategy, management and communication. She delivers this support based on the principle that companies should take responsibility not only towards their shareholders, but also towards their customers, employees and the society and environment they operate in. Bahar has a B.Sc. degree in Environmental Engineering from METU and a M.Sc. degree in Environmental Management from Lund University, Sweden.

Betül Bozkurt

Betül Bozkurt

Betul Bozkurt is working within the fields of personal, organizational and community based development. She attaches specific importance to “training” at every project she takes part in, since the development of organisations and communities is only possible through the development of individuals. She develops and implements innovative and interactive training activities on topics differing from motivation to project management, from training of trainers to active citizenship. Each training content is developed according to the needs of the individual participants and the organization.

Meanwhile, as a civil society expert and a volunteer she is working for community investment and volunteering projects of NGO’s, public and private institutions.

In addition to her degree in psychology, Betul Bozkurt attended several international leadership and training programs. Currently, she is continuing her psychodrama training at Istanbul International Zerka Moreno Institute.

Merve Titiz Akman

Merve Titiz Akman

Being graduated from Koç University Economy department, she worked in Turkey for nearly 8 years in pioneering enterprises (some were: dDf, Bilsar, Titiz, İstanbul Modern) on design, communication, process, event management before setting about her own endeavors. In parallel to her work experience in design and communication she attended in between 2001-2004 to ‘Design Management Certificate Program’ and ‘Visual Communication Master Program’ in Bilgi University. Especially 2008 onwards she has followed closely international sustainability agenda and organized the first international Eco-design Meeting in Turkey in İTÜ Taşkışla building, including two conferences and 2 parallel exhibitions that lasted two weeks on May 2009.

Her experience and network has been solidified in the master program of Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability (MSLS) where she had the opportunity to work in a multicultural environment with sustainability enthusiasts and being included to an international sustainability expert network. MSLS has been founded by sustainability visionaries in Blekinge Institute of Technology- Sweden about ten years ago and it is still one of the pioneering master program in Europe with its holistic and innovative approach to sustainability together with education. As 2011 she works in the fields of corporate, local development, communication and event management with sustainability focus.

Nilüfer Aktaş

Nilüfer Aktaş

Having spent 25 years in wealth management and investment banking, Nilufer Aktaş has managed to oversee the radical transformation in business models affecting every industry with a keen eye on sustainability requirements emerging as a new economic model for the business world. She has managed to leverage her network power on behalf of impact start ups and fintechs co creating inclusive business projects and building a culture available for social innovation within the corporate space. As a result of those intrapreneurial projects she has been recognized as one of the ‘’Global Responsible Leaders’’ by BMW Foundation in 2021. She currently is a member of the TUSIAD-TURKKONFED Green Transformation Taskforce and sits on the board of three Non profit organisations.

Nuran Aksu

Nuran Aksu

Araştırma & Reklamcılık ve İnsan Psikolojisi ve Davranış Bilimleri mezunudur. Araştırma sektöründe iş hayatına Strateji-MORI’de 2000 senesinde başladı. 2003-2015 seneleri arasında pazarlama araştırmalarında GfK Tüketici Deneyimleri Bölümü Sektör Yönetimi departmanında çalıştı. 2005-2015 yılları arasında GfK’da itibar araştırmaları çalışmalarının yönetimini, bu alandaki model geliştirme çalışmalarını ve danışmanlık görevlerini üstlendi. Ülkemizin önde gelen şirketlerine, sivil toplum ve kamu kuruluşlarına kişisel katkılarının da olduğu RepMan modeli ile stratejik itibar araştırmaları yaptı, yönetti. Ayrıca RepMan İtibar Araştırmaları Merkezinin kuruluşunda aktif görev aldı ve danışma kurulu üyesi olarak görevine devam etmektedir. Kurumsal Marka Yönetimi Araştırmaları ve İletişime aktarılması konusunda ülkemizde en deneyimli kişilerden olan Aksu Kurumsal Kimlik, Değerler Belirleme, Çalışan Markası Yaratma, Itibar Riskleri Yönetimi, Marka Konumlandırma, Algı Yönetimi gibi stratejik alanlarda yıllardır bilgi, birikimini paylaşmaktadır. 2015 senesi itibariyle ülkemizdeki ilk itibar yönetimi araştırma modeli RepMan’in kullanım hakkını alan AKSU halen RepMan İtibar Araştırmaları Merkezinin danışma kurulu üyesi, Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma için Yenilikçi Çözümler Derneği Üyesi ve ZENNA Kurumsal Marka Yönetimi Araştırmaları ve Danışmanlığı Şirketi kurucusu ve yöneticisidir. Her sene ortalama 5 doktora ve tez öğrencisine gönüllü olarak destek veren Aksu ayrıca Kadir Has Üniversite Yaşam Boyu Eğitim Merkezi ve RepMan Merkez tarafından gerçekleştirilen İtibar Yönetimi Sertifika Programı’nın koordinatörlerinden ve eğitmenlerindendir. Nuran AKSU her ay BrandMap Dergisi’nde yazılarını paylaşmaktadır.

Av. Özlem Ayata

Av. Özlem Ayata

Ayata Hukuk Bürosu kurucusu Özlem Ayata, 1998 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi’nden mezun oldu. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yüksek Lisans Programı’nda “Türkiye’de Uzlaşma Kurumunun Yasal Çerçevesinin ve Uygulamasının Onarıcı Adalet Prensipleri ile değerlendirilmesi” konulu tezini yazarak yüksek lisansını 2009 yılında tamamladı.

2001 yılından bu yana kuruculuğunu üstlendiği hukuk bürosunda, vekili olduğu kurumların tahsili gecikmiş alacak portföylerinin idari ve hukuki takibinde uzmanlaştı. Bu kapsamdaki çalışmalarıyla müvekkillerinin gecikmiş alacaklarının icra takibi aşamasına düşmeden önceki idari takip süreciyle tahsilatını da üstlendi. Ayrıca çalıştığı kurumların riskli alacaklarının devredilmesi öncesinde, aktiflerin yönetilip geliştirilerek satıştan önce azami değer artışının sağlanması hizmetini de sunuyor.

Ayata, iş hukuku, aile hukuku, insan hakları hukuku, medeni hukuk, borçlar hukuku, sağlık hukuku, ceza hukuku ve icra iflas hukuku alanında uzmandır. 2012 yılından bu yana İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Adalet Meslek Yüksek Okulu’nda “İş Hukukunun Temel Prensipleri” başlıklı dersin eğitmenidir. Ulusal ve uluslararası şirketlerin etik kodlarının oluşturulması konusunda danışmanlık hizmeti sunuyor. Bu kapsamda, sayılı prestij sahibi şirketlerin insan kaynakları müdürlerine ve şirket çalışanlarına “mobbing” ve “ayrımcılık yasağı / ayrımcılığın önlenmesi”eğitimleri verdi.

2012 yılından bu yana Kadının İnsan Hakları –Yeni Çözümler Derneği’nin, Türkiye’nin 58 ilinde ve Kıbrıs’ta yürüttüğü, kadınların çok çeşitli alanlarda karşılaştıkları insan hakları ihlalleri konusunda toplumsal bilinci artırmayı hedefleyen ve dünyada bu alandaki en iyi çalışma seçilen eğitim programında eğiticilik yapıyor.

Kadının İnsan Hakları -Yeni Çözümler Derneği’nin, tüm Türkiye’de yaygın dağıtımı gerçekleştirilen süreli yayını Mor Bülten’in ve Altı Nokta Körler Derneği’nin hazırladığı sesli kadın dergisi Kibele’nin hukuk köşesi yazarlığını yürütüyor. İngilizce ve İtalyanca biliyor.

Salim Kadıbeşegil

Salim Kadıbeşegil

With his academic background and high referrals in Strategic Communication and Reputation Management, Salim Kadibesegil, leads Corporate Reputation Management to generate awareness and have a place in our country. Between the years of 1999-2004 Salim represented Turkey as a Board member of International Communication Consultancy Association,ICCO, based in London. He was also a consultant for one of Turkey’s top management magazines’, Capital, “Most Admired Companies” and “Corporate Social Responsibility” research projects. Salim represented Turkey in “The Reputation Institute”, centered in New York. He has an active chair in Turkish Corporate Governance Association, Bugday Ecological Transformation Association. His company Orsa Strategic Communication Consultancy, is also a member of Global Reporting Initiative. He has been a faculty member at the School of Communications, Bahcesehir University,Istanbul/Turkey since 2008.

Within 37 years of experience Salim Kadibesegil has seven books which are widely accepted as source books in business and academics.


  • The Game is Over, 2012″
  • It is time for Strategic Communications, 2009″
  • Reputation Management, 2006″
  • Here Comes Crises, 2002″
  • Where to Start in PR, 1997″
  • Prescriptions for PR, 1992″
  • Fundamentals in PR, 1986″
Bülent Fidan

Bülent Fidan

After his master degree in business administration (advertising and marketing) and communication arts, he worked as a copywriter and then as a creative director in the advertising sector. He took long term design lessons from important designers. As a designer, he produced many products.He is also a cartoonist. He held solo exhibitions in many countries and took part in group exhibitions; and won many awards at home and abroad. In 2005, he was selected as one of the 100 most successful graphic humorists of the 20th century by the European Academy of Humor and his works began to be exhibited in the Spanish Humor Museum. He continues to draw editorial illustrations and cartoons for domestic and foreign magazines and newspapers.He is the Editor-in-Chief of Graphic Design Magazine, the only design magazine of the sector, and BrandMap magazine, which started publishing in October 2015.

Ayşe Beyazova

Ayşe Beyazova

Ayşe Beyazova has a masters degree on international relations in Marmara University and human rights law in İstanbul Bilgi University and she finished her phd thesis focused on the education of Syrian refugee children in İstanbul through their parents’ perspectives in educational sciences in Boğaziçi University in 2017. Beyazova worked as a coordinator and manager in Community Volunteers Foundation between 2003-2007 and in İstanbul Bilgi University Child Studies Unit thereafter until 2016. She has been among the founders of Child Studies Unit of Bilgi University where she also worked as a lecturer during 2008-2016 giving lectures on child rights, civil society and education. Her areas of focus involves civil society, child rights, child participation, gender equality and inclusive education. Since 2016, she has been working as a freelancer carrying out consultancy, research and training based activities with several NGO’s and academic institutions.

Hakan Karakurt

Hakan Karakurt

Hakan Karakurt, the founder of Rhetoras Content Agency, provides consultancy on digital strategy and content development projects. He also leads the content team for a major brand. He sometimes writes articles on digital media, cinema and science fiction for blogs and online magazines.

Rama Mousali

Rama Mousali

Passionate about user experiences and accessible technology.
I make sure every user enjoys the experience, technology is for everyone!

What did they say?

See what our valued customers say about Mikado

Mikado is a very energetic and good partner. I hope you continue on your way by keeping this positive approach.

Change from the bottom, not from the top. Studies in which every voice is heard and considered are very valuable.

There is such a thing as Mikado team spirit, this sense of belonging is really special to me.

You have started something that does not exist in Turkey. In terms of impact-oriented measurement we all have a long way to go. I hope we can contribute to this sector together. It’s been 12 years since we designed and wrote the country’s possibly first impact report together. I wish you continued success.

Mikado is a unique social enterprise. Its uniqueness is not due to being a social enterprise, but the value it adds to social entrepreneurship makes Mikado unique. My observations about Mikado are inspiring creative projects, innovative approaches, passion for sustainability, and efforts for change. I’m indescribably happy to come together. I thought about it but couldn’t find a suggestion to do. I think you are amazing!

It is impossible not to admire the change created by a tiny heart. I wish you many successes, to hear your name more often in the global.

Mikado’s contributions to the creation and development of sustainability management awareness in Turkey are great.

It is very valuable that Mikado raises awareness on the impact in the ecosystem without losing its development-oriented perspective.

Mikado has been playing a leading role in establishing sustainability and social impact awareness in institutions for 15 years.

Distinctive and memorable. Innovative and productive, working in line with its goals and objectives. Collaborative and entrepreneur. It’s a dynamic structure. An institution that I always recommend. Congratulations and wish you continued success.

Mikado pioneered capacity building in Turkey in the field of social impact and contributed greatly to the establishment of the concept. In doing so, Mikado acted as a complete social enterprise and prioritized social benefit over financial return and directed the institutions to ensure that the projects it managed had a high impact. Since Mikado has created its own team of people with a similar perspective, everyone who works has contributed to the vision of the institution.

Mikado’s place in the ecosystem has been established for many years and it contributes to the impact-oriented transformation of many institutions. It started to have a major influence on institutions as well. We are also pleased to be in close cooperation and wish it to continue for a long time. Mikado’s area of development is that it is the first company that comes to mind for young people building a career in sustainability, and that supportive policies are developed so that young people both prefer Mikado more and stay for a long time. I think that making Mikado more att

Developing and implementing pioneering applications is Mikado’s greatest strength.

The methods of working with the organizations with which it cooperates are very efficient. It can produce creative and functional solutions. It takes a leading role in its fields in Turkey by following the international agenda closely. I think every organization that works with Mikado has learned lots of new information from Mikado about their sustainability and impact agendas.

Mikado has been successfully maintaining its position as a fundamental and leading actor for social transformation for years. I find it extremely valuable that Mikado makes a difference with its innovation, impact-oriented and sustainability priority. While doing this, it carries out a collaborative and productive teamwork with its stakeholders in the ecosystem. Mikado’s 15th anniversary is both a success story and an inspiring and encouraging example for social enterprises. My expectation of Mikado is to maintain the ambition that will continue its philosophy based on benefits for the individual society planet. Another one is that it succeeds in progressing in a way that will be minimally affected by the negative processes we are in. Turkey desperately needs social change actors like Mikado. It is a great challenge and goal in itself to maintain the standards it has established with its personnel and volunteers who contribute to its development and continue to live in different roles in the ecosystem, as well as its approach and way of doing business.

Mikado Blog